❓ Where Are the Older Posts?

A polaroid photograph with a blue to yellow gradient as the background and a large red question mark dominating

You can view my older posts over on my WordPress site, until I finish migrating them over here to their new home at which point this page will vanish along with the Wordpress site.

Why am I moving away from WordPress? There are a few reasons, and it’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while, so I may write a short post once I’ve finished the migration.

Until then, I’ve listed a few of these posts below which I’ve enjoyed writing.




Life in Montreal

  • From River to Mountain – Probably the only good thing to come from the permiership of Montreal’s last mayor, a delightful walk connecting the city’s two prominent natural landmarks.
  • Up Above the Streets and Houses – I managed to get onto the roof and get a fresh perspective on the city.
  • Storm Of The Decade? – Literally the worst snow storm I’ve experienced… so far.
